Data Cleaning for Data Sharing
Using R

Crystal Lewis // April 11, 2024
NCME Annual Meeting


Time Topic
8:45 - 9:00 Intro/Logistics
9:00 - 9:45 Fundamentals of Data Organization
9:45 - 10:30 Standardized Data Cleaning Checklist
10:30 - 10:45 Break
10:45 - 12:30 Data Cleaning Functions
12:30 - 12:45 Documentation for Data Sharing




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    destdir = "___")

Feel free to interrupt me with questions/comments at any time ✋.

Get up and move around as much as you need to 🚶.

About the Speaker


  • Your name
  • Your affiliation
  • Your role

Image from Unsplash

3 Phases of Data

A Sampling of Open Datasets

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand how to assess a data set for 7 data quality indicators

  1. Be able to review a data set and apply a list of standardized data cleaning steps as needed

  1. Feel comfortable using R code to clean a data set using our standardized steps

  1. Understand types of documentation that should be shared alongside data

Data Quality Indicators

The Data are Ready

7 Data Quality Indicators

  1. Analyzable

  2. Interpretable

  3. Complete

  4. Valid

  5. Accurate

  6. Consistent

  7. De-identified

Taming the Data Beast, by Allison Horst


  • Data should make a rectangle of rows and columns
    • The first row, and only the first row, is your variable names
    • The remaining data should be made up of values in cells
    • At least one column uniquely defines the rows in the data (e.g., unique identifier)


  • Column values are analyzable
    • Information is explicit



  • Only one piece of information is collected per variable


What data quality issues do you detect for the analyzable indicator?



  • Data does not make a rectangle
  • Color coding used to convey information
  • More than one piece of information in a variable
  • Blank values implied to be 0 for Q4 variables


  • Variable names should be machine-readable
    • Unique
    • No spaces or special characters except _
      • This includes no . or -
    • Not begin with a number
    • Character limit of 32
  • Variable names should be human-readable
    • Meaningful (gender instead of Q1)
    • Consistently formatted (capitalization and delimiters)
    • Consistent order of information
      • wave_responder_scale# (w1_t_mast1)

In that case, by Allison Horst


  • When publicly sharing data, it is recommended to share data in at least one non-proprietary format (e.g., CSV)
    • But if you would also like to share a copy in a commonly used format such as SPSS, SAS, or Stata, consider adding embedded metadata (i.e., variable label and value labels)


What data quality issues do you detect for the interpretable indicator?



  • Spaces and special characters used in variable names
  • Some variable names are unclear
  • Inconsistent use of capitalization


  • Cases
    • The number of rows in your dataset should total to your sample N
      • No missing cases
      • No duplicate cases (i.e., no unique identifier)
  • Variables
    • The number of columns in your dataset should total to what you planned to have
      • No missing variables
    • No unexpected missing data
      • If you collected the data, it should exist in the dataset


Tracking Database

Data Dictionary


What data quality issues do you detect for the complete indicator?



  • The data contain a duplicate ID (104)


  • Variables conform to the planned constraints
    • Planned variable types (e.g., numeric, character, date)
    • Allowable variable values and ranges (e.g., 1-5)
    • Item-level missingness aligns with variable universe rules and skip patterns



What data quality issues do you detect for the valid indicator?



  • AGE/YR does not adhere to our planned variable type
  • Values in Score fall out of our expected range


  • Information should be accurate based on any implicit knowledge you have
    • For instance, maybe you know a student is in 2nd grade because you’ve interacted with that student, but their grade level is shown as 5th in the data
  • Accurate within and across sources
    • A date of birth collected from school records should match the date of birth provided by the student
    • If a student is in 2nd grade, they should be associated with a second grade teacher


What data quality issues do you detect for the accurate indicator?



  • ID 105 has conflicting information for TEACHING LEVEL and SCHOOL


  • Variable values are consistently measured, formatted, or categorized within a column

  • Variables are consistently measured across collections of the same form


What data quality issues do you detect for the consistent indicator?



  • Values for GENDER are not consistently categorized



  • Direct identifiers are removed


  • Open-ended questions
    • These variables may contain information that can directly or indirectly identify individuals
  • Outliers
    • If someone has extreme values for a variable, it may be easier to identify that individual
  • Small cell sizes
  • Combinations of variables, or crosstabs, can also create small cell-sizes
    • race + gender + grade level

🚨 Consider this in the context of risk

  • Math assessment may be low risk while a survey on substance use is higher risk


What data quality issues do you detect for the de-identified indicator?



  • Replace School Name with an unique ID
  • Review outliers and combination of demographics to see if other alterations are necessary

Biggest Advice

The number one way to reduce data errors is to make a plan before you collect data

Correct data at the source

  • Plan the variables you want to collect
  • Build your data collection/entry tools in a way that follows your plan
  • Test your data tools before collecting/entering data
  • Check your data often during data collection/entry

Data Cleaning Checklist

Data Cleaning

Standard Data Cleaning Checklist

Import the raw data

Review the raw data

Find missing data

Adjust the sample

De-identify data

Drop irrelevant columns

Split columns

Rename variables

Normalize variables

Standardize variables

Update variable types

Recode variables

Construct new variables

Add missing values

Add metadata

Validate data

Join data

Reshape data

Save clean data

Import raw data

Review data

Find missing data

Adjust the sample

De-identify data

De-identify data

De-identify data

Source Resource
Alena Filip Table 2 provides pros and cons of various de-identification methods
J-PAL Table 3 provides a list of direct and indirect identifiers and recommended removal methods
Schatschneider, Deidentifying Data Guide

Drop irrelevant columns

Split columns

Rename variables

Normalize variables

  • Compare the variable types in your raw data to the types you expected in your data dictionary.
    • Do they align? If not, what needs to be done so that they do

Standardize variables

  • Are columns consistently measured, categorized, and formatted according to your data dictionary?
    • If not, what needs to be done so that they are

Update variable types

Recode variables

Construct additional variables

Add missing values

Data validation

Data validation

  • Complete
    • Check for missing/duplicate cases
      • Check Ns by groups for completeness
    • Check for missing/too many columns
  • Valid and consistent
    • Check for unallowed categories/values out of range
      • Check ranges by groups
    • Check for invalid, non-unique, or missing study IDs
    • Check for incorrect variable types/formats
    • Check missing value patterns
  • Accurate
    • Agreement across variables
  • De-identified
    • All direct identifiers are removed
    • All indirect identifiers managed as needed
  • Interpretable
    • Variables correctly named

Data validation

  1. Documentation errors
    • Fix in documentation
  2. Data cleaning errors
    • Fix in your cleaning process
  3. Data entry/export process errors
    • Fix at the source and export new raw file
  4. True values that are inaccurate, uninterpretable, or outside of a valid range
    • Leave the data as is (document the issue)
    • Recode those values to designated error code
    • Create data quality indicators
    • Choose one source of truth for inconsistent values
    • Use logical/deductive editing

Export data

Export data

When you export your files, it’s important to name them consistently and clearly.

  • Follow rules similar to our variable naming rules
    • Machine-readable (except now - is allowed)
    • Human-readable
      • A user should be able to understand what the file contains without opening it

Which gives you a better idea of what is in the file? 🤔

  • “Project X Full Data.csv”
  • “projectx_wave1_stu_svy_clean.csv”

Creating a data cleaning plan




Cleaning in R


  • If you want to save the output from something you do in R, you need to save it to an object that lives in your environment
    • Objects should follow the same naming rules we discussed earlier
  • If you simply want to view an output, you don’t need to save it into an object

age <- c(12, 10, 8)

age_new <- age + 1
[1] 11


Data Frame (Tibble)

  • Two dimensional structure
df <- data.frame(id = c(10, 20),
                 age = c(12, 8))

  id age
1 10  12
2 20   8


  • Consists of one or more elements all of the same type
id <- c(10, 20)

[1] 10 20
  • Common vector types (class)
    • character, numeric, date (POSIXct, POSIXlt), logical

RStudio Pane Layout

Image from RStudio User Guide

Script Files

R Script File

R Markdown File


  • Anatomy of a function
    • function_name(argument1, argument2, argument3, …)
      • the first argument is usually an object
    • You can view arguments by typing ?functionname in your console
  • Arguments usually have defaults
    • For example mean(x, trim, na.rm)
      • trim = 0
      • na.rm = FALSE
  • R has many built in (base) functions

Function Task
View() View object
str() Display internal structure of an object
c() Combine elements
class() Check the class/type of an object


  • We can also use functions that live in packages that we can install onto our computer

  • Once installed, there are two ways to call packages

    • You may see both methods used in these slides

Using library()


select(df, var1, var2) 

Using Namespacing package::function()

# library(dplyr) not needed

dplyr::select(df, var1, var2) 


  • 2014+ magrittr pipe %>%

  • 2021+ (R \(\geq\) 4.1.0) native R pipe |>

Isabella Velásquez’s blog post Understanding the native R pipe |> (2022)

sch_data <- select(sch_data, id, 

sch_data <- filter(sch_data, 
                    test_score > 300)
sch_data <- sch_data |>
  select(id, test_score) |>
  filter(test_score > 300)

To turn on the native pipe:

ToolsGlobal OptionsCodeEditingUse Native Pipe Operator


Comparison operators

  • == equal to
  • != not equal to
  • < less than
  • > greater than
  • %in% value is present within
df |>
  filter(city %in% c("boston","philly"))

Assignment operators

  • <- Assign values to an object
  • = Assign value to an argument
df <- df |>
  mutate(year = "2024")


  • A team member has just collected a teacher survey and has exported a raw data file.
  • They have asked you to clean the file up for the purposes of data sharing.


Take 5 minutes to open and look at our data file.

  1. Log in to Posit Cloud and navigate to our project
  2. Open the data folder and download “sample_tch_svy_raw.xlsx” to view the file on your computer
    • To download the file, check the box next to the file and go to “More” then “Export”
  3. Open the data file and review it.
    • Notice that there is a tab called “labels” which contains information about the current state of the variables in the dataset

Import our data

Common data importing functions

  • read_csv(), read_delim() from the readr package

  • read_excel() from the readxl package

  • read_sav(), read_sas(), read_dta() from the haven package

  • Learn more about importing multiple files at once here

Which function should we use to read in our sample data?🤔

Import our file

  • read_excel() has several arguments.
    • path
      • Name of the file, plus folder names as needed
      • “data/w1_stu_obs_raw.xlsx”
    • sheet = NULL
    • col_names = TRUE
    • na = “”
    • skip = 0
  • Type ?read_excel() in your console to see more arguments


Take 2 minutes to import the data.

  1. Open “exercises.Rmd” in our Posit Cloud project.
  2. First run the “Library packages” chunk using the green arrow.
  3. Then navigate to Exercise 1.
  4. Update the first code chunk and run the code to read in the data.
  5. Run the second code chunk to view the data.

If you get stuck, you can open “solutions.Rmd”


Review our data

  • How many rows?
    • In this hypothetical situation, we assume we are not missing any cases
    • However, there may be duplicates
  • How many columns?
  • What are the variable values and ranges? Variable types?
  • How much missing data do we have?

There are several functions we can use to explore data

  • dplyr::glimpse()
  • skimr::skim()
  • base::summary()
  • summarytools::dfSummary()
  • Hmisc::describe()

Review our data

Exercise - Part 1

Take 3 minutes to review our data.

  1. Navigate to Exercise 2.
  2. Run the code.
    • Write down any potential issues you see in the data based on our data quality criteria (analyzable, interpretable, complete, valid, accurate, consistent, de-identified).
    • Note: Ignore the warning messages from dfSummary()

Exercise - Part 2

Take 5 minutes to compare our data to our documents.

  1. Export and open the “sample_tch_svy_data-dictionary.xlsx” in the docs folder.
    • Compare the data dictionary to what you see in our raw data.
    • What additional issues do you see when you compare the data to our data dictionary?
  2. Export and open the “sample_tch_svy_cleaning-plan.txt” in the docs folder.
    • How does the cleaning plan compare to the issues you wrote down?

Adjust the sample

There are two key functions we can use to both identify and remove duplicates in our data

  • janitor::get_dupes()
    • Tells you which rows contain duplicate unique identifiers, if any

  • dplyr::distinct()
    • Keeps the first instance of a duplicate unique identifier

Adjust the sample

df |>
  • Replace id_vars with your unique identifier
  • If you have more than one variable that uniquely identifies rows, use c(first_name, last_name)
df |>
           .keep_all = TRUE)
  • Replace id_vars with your unique identifier/s
  • Always add the argument .keep_all = TRUE
  • But remember, this always keeps the first instance of your duplicate
    • This may not always be want you want
df |>
  arrange(date) |>
           .keep_all = TRUE)
  • Consider arranging your data first, before removing duplicates
  • Replace date with any variable that you want to arrange your data by
    • The default is to sort values in ascending order
      • If you want descending order arrange(desc(date))


Take 3 minutes to check for and remove duplicates.

  1. Navigate to Exercise 3.
  2. Run the code to check for duplicates.
    • Make note of the duplicate tch_id number.
  3. Run the code to remove our duplicates.
    • Our documented rule is that if both surveys are complete, keep the most recently completed row.
  4. Run a check to make sure duplicates are removed.
  5. Run the code to confirm that we kept the most recent submission of the duplicate survey (“2024-04-02”).

De-identify data

The functions used here will depend on what is required.

Examples of functions you might use:

  • dplyr::select() to drop variables
  • dplyr::case_when() or dplyr::recode() to collapse categories/recode values
  • dplyr::*_join() to merge in study unique IDs
  • stringr::str_remove_all() or stringr::str_replace_all() to redact character values

For our sample data we are going to use the following.

  1. dplyr::case_when() to recategorize names into our unique study ID values and
  2. dplyr::select() to drop identifying variables

De-identify data

df |>
  dplyr::mutate(new_var_name =
                    var_name == old_value1 ~ new_value1,
                    var_name == old_value2 ~ new_value2
  • To learn more about setting default values for case_when(), type ?case_when in your console
  • Note that there is a new function, case_match(), that is worth looking in to. It reduces repetition in the syntax.

My data frame that I want to de-identify

    fname    lname score1 score2
1    emma    royce     22     50
2 brandon figueroa     40     61
df |>
  mutate(id = 
             fname == "emma" ~ 300,
             fname == "brandon" ~ 301
    fname    lname score1 score2  id
1    emma    royce     22     50 300
2 brandon figueroa     40     61 301

To select variables of interest

df |>
  select(score1, score2, id)
df |>
df |>
  select(starts_with("score"), id)

To drop variables I add -

df |>
df |>
  select(-c(fname, lname))
df |>


Take 3 minutes to de-identify our data

  1. Navigate to Exercise 4.
  2. Edit and run the code to create a sch_id variable.
    • Review the new variable after it is created.
  3. Edit and run the code to drop our identifying variables.
    • Review to make sure those variables were removed.

Rename variables

Two functions we can use to rename variables

  • dplyr::rename()
    • Commonly used to rename just a few variables
  • purrr::set_names()
    • Used to rename all of our variables
    • Variables in your dataset must be ordered in the same way as in set_names()

Rename just a few variables

df |>
  rename(new_name = old_name)

Rename all variables

df |>
  set_names(c("name1", "name2", "name3"))


Take 3 minutes to rename variables

  1. Navigate to Exercise 5.
  2. Review the current variable names.
  3. Edit the code to rename variables according to our data dictionary/data cleaning plan.
  4. Check variable names again to make sure the renaming worked.

Normalize variables

There are several functions that can help us remove unexpected values from our variables.

Some examples of those include:

  • stringr::str_remove_all()
  • stringr::str_replace_all()
  • readr::parse_number()

Say this is our data

# A tibble: 3 x 2
     id income 
  <dbl> <chr>  
1     1 $32,000
2     2 120000 
3     3 $45,000

Normalize variables

Remove character values with stringr::str_remove_all()

df |>
  dplyr::mutate(income = 
                  str_remove_all(income, "\\$|,"))
# A tibble: 3 x 2
     id income
  <dbl> <chr> 
1     1 32000 
2     2 120000
3     3 45000 
  • Notice that our variable is still character type

Remove character values with readr::parse_number()

df |>
  dplyr::mutate(income = 
# A tibble: 3 x 2
     id income
  <dbl>  <dbl>
1     1  32000
2     2 120000
3     3  45000
  • Notice that parse_number() converts our variable to numeric type


Take 2 minutes to normalize our tch_yrs variable

  1. Navigate to Exercise 6.
  2. Review the current values for tch_yrs.
  3. Edit the code to remove all non-numeric values from this variable.
  4. Review the new values in tch_yrs.

Update variable type

Depending on what is needed, there are several functions we can use to change variable types.

Some examples include:

  • as.numeric()
  • as.character()
  • as.Date()
  • Several functions in the lubridate package to assist with converting dates
  • janitor::excel_numeric_to_date() can be very helpful at times

Update variable type

It’s important to normalize variables before converting types (especially when converting from character to numeric)

Our data without normalizing

# A tibble: 3 x 2
     id income 
  <dbl> <chr>  
1     1 $32,000
2     2 120000 
3     3 $45,000

When we try to convert income to numeric….

df |>
  dplyr::mutate(income = 
Warning in mask$eval_all_mutate(quo): NAs introduced by coercion
# A tibble: 3 x 2
     id income
  <dbl>  <dbl>
1     1     NA
2     2 120000
3     3     NA

We end up converting several values to NA (notice our warning)


Take 1 minute to convert tch_yrs to numeric

  1. Navigate to Exercise 7.
  2. Review the current variable type for tch_yrs.
  3. Edit the code and convert the variable type to numeric.
  4. Review the new variable type for tch_yrs.

Recode variables

Common functions for recoding values are

  • dplyr::case_when()
  • dplyr::recode()
  • tidyr::replace_na()

df |>
  mutate(newvar = 
                  oldvalue = newvalue))
  • If the oldvalue is numeric, it requires ticks around the number, e.g., `5`
  • If the newvalue is character use quotation marks, e.g., “yes”,
df |> 
  mutate(newvar = 
                      replace = newvalue))

Recode variables

dplyr::across() allows you to apply the same transformation across multiple columns

  • This can be used in case_when(), recode(), or replace_na()

df |>
                  ~ replace_na(., replace = 0)))

This will save over existing variables.

  • If you don’t want to save over the existing variables, you can add the argument .names which lives in the dplyr::across() function. This creates new variables with new names.


Take 2 minutes to recode variables

  1. Navigate to Exercise 8.
  2. Update the code to recode the blank values for the grade variables.
    • Check to see if the recoding worked.
  3. Update the code to recode the mathanx variable.
    • Check to see that the recoding worked.

Construct new variables

  • The most important function for constructing new variables is dplyr::mutate()

  • From there, other functions may be required. For today, we are going to use rowSums() which allows us to create sum scores for each row

The default is to not calculate a sum if there are any NA values

df |>
  mutate(newvar = rowSums(

If you want to calculate a sum even if there are NA values, add na.rm = TRUE

df |>
  mutate(newvar = rowSums(
    across(var1:var3), na.rm = TRUE))


Take 1 minute to construct gad_sum

  1. Navigate to Exercise 9.
  2. Update the code to calculate gad_sum
  3. Review summary information for the new variable.

Validate data

  • Create tables of information
    • dplyr::count(), janitor::tabyl()
  • Create graphs
    • ggplot2
  • Calculate summary statistics
    • All of the functions from “Review the data” section
  • Create codebooks
    • codebookr, memisc, sjPlot
  • Create tests that pass/fail based on a set of criteria
    • pointblank, validate, assertr, dataquieR

Validate data

Here we are using the pointblank package to develop some validation tests

create_agent(df) |>
  rows_distinct(columns = vars(stu_id)) |>
  col_vals_not_null(columns = vars(stu_id)) |>
  col_vals_between(columns = vars(stu_id), left = 300, right = 500, na_pass = FALSE) |>
  col_is_numeric(columns = vars(age, test_score)) |>
  col_vals_between(columns = vars(test_score), left = 0, right = 500, na_pass = TRUE) |>


Take 5 minutes to validate our data

  1. Navigate to Exercise 10.
  2. Run the validation code.
    • Do all of our tests pass?
  3. Update the code with one more validation criteria. Run the code again.
    • Do all of our tests still pass?

Export data

Similar to importing data, we have many options for exporting our data depending on the format we want to export to.

  • openxlsx::write.xlsx()
  • haven::write_sav(), haven::write_dta(), haven::write_sas()
  • readr::write_csv()
    • x
      • The object we are exporting
    • file
      • The name of the new file plus any folders where you want the file to live
    • na = “NA”
write_csv(df, file = "data/w1_stu_obs_clean.csv", na = "")


Take 2 minutes to export our data

  1. Navigate to Exercise 11.
  2. Update our code to export the clean data file to our “data” folder.
  3. Once exported, download and open the file to confirm it looks as expected.

Coding best practices

  1. Use a coding template
  2. Follow a coding style guide
  3. Use relative file paths
    • ❌ “C:/Users/Crystal/Desktop/project/data/raw_file.csv”
    • ✔️ “data/raw_file.csv”
  4. Write all cleaning steps in code
  5. Comment every step in your code
  6. Check all of your work throughout
  7. If possible, have someone else review your code


  1. Version your code (“sample_tch_svy_cleaning_v01.R”)
  2. Version your files (“sample_tch_svy_clean_v01.csv”)
  3. Make notes in a changelog.

Documentation for Data Sharing

Types of documentation

  1. Project-level documentation
    • Project summary document
  2. Data-level documentation
    • README
    • Cleaning code/Data cleaning plan
  3. Variable-level documentation
    • Data dictionary OR
    • Codebook
  4. Repository Metadata

✔️ Allows your data to be correctly interpreted and used

✔️ Allows your work to be reproducible

✔️ Allows your work to be findable

Project-level documentation

  • Funding source
  • Overview of study
  • Setting and sample
  • Project timeline
  • Measures used
  • Overview of study procedures
    • Recruitment, consent, data collection
  • Data preparation and processing
    • Data quality monitoring, de-identification procedures, decision rules
  • Appendices
    • Copies of instruments, consort diagrams

Data-level documentation


Data Cleaning Plan

Variable-level documentation

Data dictionary


Repository Metadata

Thank you!

🌟 Please provide feedback on this workshop using this short survey.

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