🔲 What original data are we collecting?
🔲 Does this project require IRB approval?
🔲 What instruments are we using to collect original data?
For each instrument, answer the following questions
🔲 What data are we collecting with that instrument?
🔲 What tools are we using to collect this data?
🔲 Who is ensuring that data collection tools are compliant with rules and regulations??
🔲 Are there any costs associated with our data collection tools?
🔲 Who is building the data collection instrument in this tool?
🔲 What do we need to consider when building this data collection instrument in this tool?
🔲 Who is testing/reviewing the instrument before collecting data?
🔲 When are we collecting this data?
* Note that additional project management questions such as “who is collecting data?”, “how are staff getting trained to collect data?”, or “how will we schedule data collection?” are not in this checklist. Those are questions that would be added to a project management data collection checklist. While the project team and data team should plan a project collaboratively, it is helpful to delineate project coordination and data management questions to ensure everything is covered.