🔲 How do we meet compliance for public data sharing?

  • Consent forms and MOUs (data sharing language included)

🔲 What data are we publicly sharing?

  • What data did we say we would publicly share in our DMP?

🔲 Where/How are we publicly sharing our data?

  • Where did we say we were sharing our data in our DMP?

🔲 What costs will be associated with public data sharing?

🔲 Who will oversee that data is shared publicly?

  • If sharing in a repository, who will work with the repository to hand over data?
  • If sharing in other ways, who will oversee the data sharing activities?

🔲 What format are we publicly sharing data in?

  • What file format?
  • Merged or unmerged
  • De-identified or will there be restricted use identifiable data
  • If using a repository, what are the requirements of the repository?

🔲 Who will finalize public datasets for sharing?

  • Who will make sure they are fully de-identified?

🔲 What data sharing agreements do we need to create?

🔲 Do we want to add any licenses to our data?

🔲 When are we sharing data publicly?

🔲 What supplemental documents are we publicly sharing?

  • Documentation, instruments, and so on

🔲 What file format will our supplemental documents be in?